A Case note is a note that is stored with the case. It can contain any information you want to include, and be as long or as short as you want.

A Case note can be accessed by any Case worker assigned to the case, any of their Supervisors and the Clinical Manager.

When you have saved the note it can be edited for 24 hours. After this period the note will be locked and uneditable.

To edit a note, select it on the CaseStream, click the View/Edit option on the information block, make your changes and Save.

To access the note at another time, simply click on the CaseStream note icon (yellow) on the Case Page and it will load in the CaseStream panel where you can read and export it to PDF.

How do I add a case note?

Case notes are added from the Case page by selecting the ‘Add’ button, then clicking Note. This opens a box for you to add the note and/or change the risk level against a date. You can categorise the note into one of three categories; Case note, Summary note or Private note.