The dashboard is the landing page where you get a birds eye view of your week and what's most important.

Your Timetable

Your appointments and to-do tasks from your Management Plans for the current week are displayed with click-able links to take you directly to the case page for the person you’re meeting with.

On Your Radar

Your active caseload is categorised in 5 ways and displayed as a bar chart to show at glance what is most important to address.

Clicking on any of the On Your Radar bars will take you to a filtered list of the cases that fall into that category.

Recent Notifications

Notifications based on the rules and Electronic Decision Support your organisation has set up in Rataora are displayed on your Dashboard, and can send emails and SMS messages. This gives you high visibility of the events most important for the care you provide.


The search field gives you the ability to quickly look up contacts already in your system. This is useful as a shortcut to a case or when setting up a new case from a referral.

New Case

This is a shortcut to opening a new case.

New Person

This is a shortcut to adding a new contact into Rataora.

New Referral

Choose from the drop down list a referral form to complete for a new referral.